Welsh Corgis On the Web

A blog dedicated to the discussion of all things Welsh Corgi

Our Welsh Corgis

The idea of this blog is to discuss the things that have worked for us and the things that haven’t  worked. I would also like to encourage you to add comments questions etc. to help each other. If they’re Pembroke or Cardigan Welsh Corgis, it doesn’t matter, I’d just like to build a community in the beginning but keep it simple and straightforward.


This is Winnie on the left and Tony on the right. They’re both 2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgis and they’re fantastic, playful, and loving dogs. We first got Winnie at the beginning of this year (2009) and she was such a dream that we wanted to get a friend for her to play with, so along came Tony. They have become good friends, but of course there are some problems that go along with that. Tony likes to bark a lot when he’s playing and continues to bark a lot when he wants attention, which we are sure not to give him. I’ve had dogs my entire life and I have not had this kind of problem before and we do try to give them the exercise they need. When Winnie’s playing with a toy, Tony barks when he wants to  play but I don’t think he knows how to play with her or play alone with his own toy, so he runs around her in circles and barks. This happens at various times throughout the day and night. Anyway, we are trying different things and we will share how they pan out.

September 3, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. I have had corgis for 11 years. I told my husband when we got married it had to be a dog or an annulment. We got a corgi. He wanted them because they are smiling dogs. I think they are the best thing since coffee and I have to have my coffee. Our first one, Jake played frisbee and catch and now he rolls around our front yard herding a jolly ball. His favorite color is red and his favorite tv shows are Planet Earth, (no fish) and Breed all About It. He will watch tv for hours, that’s what he’s doing right now, CNN. My female, Taffy, we got in 2001. She is beautiful and sweet, but kind of a “blond” in the intelligence department. You could say that about me because I’m a writer that can’t spell. Except I’m a red head. She’s right next to me right now. She loves for me to scratch her on the head when I am writing on the computer. She barks all the time. We call her the Barkins. I hope you enjoy your’s as much as we enjoy ours. We say that we asked God for children and he did one better, he gave us Corgis.

    Comment by butterball | December 30, 2009 | Reply

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